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The Secret of Why I Started Blogging

Updated: Jul 28, 2021

I was having a lot of stress going on in life and wanted to find a hobby that I would be good at, something I could use to distract & entertain myself at the same time. And that’s basically how it all started!

I was originally planning on doing a YouTube channel which I am still planning to do but,it's a work in progress! I felt that a blog would be easier and quicker to share what I want, when I want. The whole editing process with YouTube and getting the content/ proper timing for things plus the time that goes into finalizing the video can be tricky. I figured a blog would be a great way to start and I will still be able to share the ideas I want! Eventually, what I would love is to link in some of my youtube videos with my blog! It’ll add some spice to the text.

I plan on having my blog be focused on a variety of things since I couldn’t narrow it down to just one option. We all know I have a shopping addiction (it’s my therapy..okay?) so obviously, fashion will play a large factor! Additionally,I plan to touch base on beauty, fitness, travel and life hacks, etc.

Those of you who know me know that I have a passion for travel. I’m anxious to share some places I’ve visited, including tips for traveling & finding the best deals, in addition to “A Day in the Life'', some of my Amazon Finds,my favorite quotes and more.

I can’t wait to share with everyone what I’ve been working on. In the next few blogs you can expect to hear about my favorite brands,underrated brands, the best Netflix shows & movies and what to do in Nashville,TN! Stay tuned...



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